drywall painting

Drywall Painting Mistakes You Should Avoid

One of the renovation processes that are commonly done both professionally and through DIY is drywall painting. We may think it’s completely effortless, but believe it or not people still commit errors doing it. Painting drywall seems straightforward, isn’t it? However, it’s surprisingly easy to make mistakes that can affect the look and longevity of your walls. To help you achieve a flawless finish, there are certain mistakes you should avoid when painting drywall. That is why in this blog post we’ll discuss exactly that– the mistakes to avoid when painting drywall. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Drywall Painting

In an effort to save money when doing home renovation, people sometimes opt for the DIY approach. The most common process people do on their own during a home remodeling is painting drywall. However, some still make mistakes when painting their drywall. Hence, below are the top 10 common mistakes you should avoid when painting drywall. 

Top 10 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Doing Drywall Painting

1. Skipping Surface Preparation

One of the biggest mistakes is not properly preparing the surface. Ensure the drywall is clean, dry, and smooth. Fill in any holes or cracks with spackle, and sand down any bumps or irregularities. A clean, smooth surface is crucial for a professional-looking paint job.

2. Not Using a Primer

Primer is essential, especially for new drywall. It helps the paint adhere better and provides a uniform surface for the paint. Skipping this step can lead to uneven color and sheen, and potentially more coats of paint than necessary.

3. Choosing the Wrong Paint

Not all paints are suitable for drywall. Use a paint that’s specifically formulated for interior walls. Flat or matte finishes are typically best for hiding imperfections, while glossier finishes work well in high-moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

4. Using Low-Quality Tools

Invest in good-quality brushes and rollers. Cheap tools can leave streaks, bristles, or lint in your paint. A high-quality roller can provide a smoother finish and make the painting process easier.

5. Overloading the Brush or Roller

Applying too much paint on your brush or roller can lead to drips and uneven application. Dip the brush only about a third of the way into the paint, and don’t overload the roller. It’s better to apply several thin coats than one thick one.

6. Painting Without a Plan

Start at the top of the wall and work your way down. Tackle one wall at a time and edge corners and ceilings before rolling larger areas. This approach helps maintain a wet edge and reduces streaks.

7. Ignoring the Weather

Humidity and temperature can impact paint drying times and finish. Avoid painting on extremely humid days or when temperatures are too high or too low, as this can lead to improper drying and a less-than-ideal finish.

8. Rushing Between Coats

Allow paint to dry fully between coats. Rushing this process can lead to peeling and uneven color. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for drying times.

9. Not Protecting Floors and Furniture

Cover floors with drop cloths and move or cover furniture. Paint splatters and spills are common, and it’s easier to prevent them than to clean up after.

10. Poor Cleanup and Storage

Clean your brushes and rollers immediately after use. Proper cleanup and storage will extend their life and make them ready for your next project. Also, store leftover paint in a cool, dry place for touch-ups.

Why You Should Leave Painting Drywall to Professionals

Expertise and Skill in Drywall Painting

Professional Quality: Professionals have the skills and experience to deliver a high-quality finish. They understand how to prepare surfaces properly, choose the right materials, and apply paint for a flawless look.

Technique Mastery: Professionals are trained in various painting techniques and can handle different textures and conditions of walls. This expertise is crucial for achieving a smooth and even finish.

Time and Efficiency

Faster Completion: A professional team can complete the job more quickly than a DIY approach, saving you time and inconvenience.

Efficient Process: Professionals have a systematic approach, ensuring all steps, from preparation to final touches, are efficiently executed.

Material Knowledge

Right Materials and Tools: Professionals know the best paints and primers for specific situations. They also have access to high-quality brushes, rollers, and other tools, which many homeowners don’t have.

Understanding Paint Behaviors: Professionals understand how different paints behave under various conditions, such as humidity and temperature, which can be crucial for a lasting finish.

Problem Avoidance

Avoiding Common Mistakes: Professionals are aware of common pitfalls in drywall painting, such as uneven coats, streaks, or missed spots, and know how to avoid them.

Problem Solving: If issues arise during the painting process, professionals have the experience to solve them effectively.


Minimizing Waste: Professionals know exactly how much paint and material are needed, minimizing waste.

Long-Term Savings: A professionally done paint job lasts longer, reducing the frequency of repaints and saving money in the long run.

Safety and Insurance

Safety: Painting, especially in high or hard-to-reach areas, can be hazardous. Professionals have the right equipment and training to do the job safely.

Insurance and Liability: Professional painters are typically insured, which means any accidents or damage during the job are covered.

Peace of Mind

Stress-Free Experience: Hiring professionals takes the burden off your shoulders. You don’t have to worry about the intricacies of the task.

Guarantees and Warranties: Many professional painting services offer guarantees or warranties for their work, providing additional peace of mind.

While DIY projects can be rewarding and cost efficient, drywall painting is an area where professional expertise, efficiency, and quality of outcome are significantly beneficial. This makes hiring professionals a worthwhile investment for many homeowners. That is why you better leave this type of job to professional contractors. 


By avoiding these common mistakes, you’re on your way to achieving a professional-looking paint job on your drywall. Take your time, pay attention to the details, and don’t cut corners – your walls will thank you for it! We hope these tips will help you on your next home renovation project. 

Avoid costly mistakes with professional drywall painting services! At Seattle Drywall Contractor, we understand the challenges and intricacies of painting drywall. Our team of experts is here to ensure your walls look their best without the hassle and pitfalls of DIY attempts. Have you tried painting drywall only to be disappointed by the outcome? Whether it’s uneven coating, visible seams, or the wrong paint choice, we’ve seen (and fixed) it all. 

Let us help you avoid these common mistakes:

Inadequate Surface Preparation: We ensure your walls are flawlessly prepped for a smooth, lasting finish.

Improper Priming: Our team selects and applies the right primer to ensure optimal paint adhesion and color richness.

Choosing the Wrong Paint Type: We guide you in selecting the perfect paint type and finish for each room of your home.

Don’t let a painting mishap diminish the beauty and value of your space. Contact Seattle Drywall Contractor today for a consultation. Our commitment to quality and detail guarantees a stunning, professional finish every time.

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